Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009

Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009 adalah salah satu software system tweaking seperti Tune Up Utilities 2009. Namun Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009 lebih dikhususkan untuk pengguna OS Windows Vista sehingga mempunyai kemampuan yang lebih baik untuk OS Vista. Karena Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009 banyak memiliki kemampuan dan feature-feature yang sangat bagus dan berguna.

Feature dari software ini sangat banyak dan berguna untuk mempercepat kinerja Vista. Untuk pengguna Windows 7 juga bagus untuk menggunakan software ini. Karena Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009 juga dapat meningkatkan kinerja Windows 7.

Advanced Vista Optimizer is a comprehensive set of 25 + tools to Boostup your System’s Performance. Its powerful optimizing features like Disk Defragment and Memory Optimizer make your computer always perform like new. The security Tools like Privacy Protector and File Encryptor ensure that you provate data is always safe. Advanced Vista Optimizer give your access to 35 + tweaks and tuning options, in one program, so that you can customize your Copy of Windows Vista to be Your Personal Copy. It can be scheduled to Automatically Maintain your system in perfect health by running the optimizing tools without regular user action.

Advanced Vista Optimizer 2008 Key Benefits :

Single Click Care for your Windows Vista

* System Optimization
* Managing Start-up Programs
* Privacy Protector
* Junk File Cleaner
* Memory Optimizer
* Tune-Up for Reasonable Security

Perfect Optimization for Your Vista PC

* Performance Tweaks for Windows Vista
* Hardware Tweaks
* Memory Optimizer
* Startup Manager

Secure Your Vista Computer and Data

* Optimize System Security
* Secure Your Files by Encrypting the Data
* Securely Delete Files and Folders
* Block Unwanted Programs

Cleaners - Improves the performance of the system

* Junk File Cleaner
* Privacy Protector
* Duplicate File Finder

Maintenance Tools

* Windows Vista Utilities
* Uninstaller
* Split and Join Files
* Mass File Renamer

Speed Up Tools

* System Speed
* Disk Defrag
* Registry Defragger

Advanced Vista Optimizer 2008 Features :

Single Click Care
This module of Advanced Vista Optimizer is designed for all users to make the most out of their Windows Vista PC without any effort. It includes important tools to optimize system, startup programs, protect your privacy, clean junk files, optimize memory and tuneup your computer for reasonable security.

There are various tools to optimize your Windows Vista computer. Advanced Vista Optimizer offers the following tools to you to optimize your Vista PC

Power Tools
Systweak Inc. has combined a host of utilities in Power Tools section of Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009 to maintain your system in best of health.

Security Tools
Advanced Vista Optimizer can give you details of security settings in your Windows Vista computer and help you fix any leaks in the security of your system to protect data loss or theft.

Improves the performance of the system by scanning and deleting temporary and junk files from the selected drives. It also takes care to clear the left over program fragments during their installation and un-installation processes.

Maintenance Tools
Utilities have been provided here for Windows Vista especially but they are as much effective on other operating systems also.

Speed Up Tools
Tool to optimize various settings which may help you increase the speed of Windows Vista.

Petunjuk Install Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009 :

* Download dan ekstrak Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009
* Jalankan dan install Advanced Vista Optimizer 2008 pada file cnet_avosetup_x86_3.5.3843.3631.exe yang ada pada folder setup
* Setelah selesai melakukan proses installasi, Copy kan file Systweak Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009 Patch -ICWT.exe yang terdapat pada folder PATCH ke dalam (C:\Program Files\Systweak\Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009) yang sudah kita install
* Selanjutnya jalankan Systweak Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009 Patch -ICWT.exe, pilih menu next dan ikuti seterusnya
* Finish

INFO : Softwares ini berdasarkan situs resminya dihargai sebesar US$ 34.95. Di www.d60pc.com anda bisa mendaptkannya dengan Gratis. Untuk download software ini (Advanced Vista Optimizer 2009) ada pada link download dibawah ini

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